Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Right wing idea of women : an excerpt from Samjcousins writing

Those who are finding it difficult to understand RSS position on Women please read the following text by samuelcousins. All one need to do is while reading change fascist with hindutva and Mussolini with RSS....is it only a mere coincidence? smile emoticon
"Women in fascist society were to be ‘submissive women and strong mothers’. At school and in fascist youth organisations this role was highly emphasised to young girls. For Mussolini, the ideal woman would be a peasant, living in the countryside, happy to raise her large family according to traditional values – much like his own wife, Rachele.
After the reconciliation between the church and the fascist regime, the aims and policies of Mussolini towards the family were strongly reinforced by Catholic teachings on issues such as motherhood, birth control and abortion. In 1930 Pope Pius XI issued a papal encyclical, Casti Conubi, to re-state the importance of parental authority and discipline in the home.
Fascist propaganda liked to denounce the slim, sophisticated modern woman, and idealised the rounded, maternal, submissive wife and mother, but many Italian women wanted to look like fashion models and films stars they saw at the cinema in magazines. Usually from America, this fuelled part of the fascist denouncement of the United States. Many Italian women were unwilling to accept their appointed position in society in the fascist regime.
Mussolini’s main motivation behind his attitude towards women was to ensure the increased production of babies. In his Italy, he pictured a vast Italian Empire, with a vast populace. The boys would grow up into fascist warriors and the girls would grow up to be fascist mothers.
To try and ensure that this happened, Mussolini introduced the ‘Battle for Births’ which was a similar initiative to the likes of his other ‘economic battles’ except this one was more social, although still heavily economical as well.
The ‘Battle’ was launched in 1925; the ONMI (National Organisation for Maternity and Infants) was set up to give advice to pre-natal mothers and help abandoned children. Seeming well intentioned, this organisation was set up primarily for the prevention of birth control and abortions, and in 1926 the laws against abortion were strengthened. Later that year a tax was introduced on unmarried men. It was not until 1927 that Mussolini officially announced his aims of his battle to increase the birth rate.

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