Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Industry of power

Post industrial revolution, industrialists needed politician to survive their business and during war time politician needed businessmen of their choice to run their war machinery. After war, as the industrialists became rich, they needed politician of their choice to sustain their business and force other countries to open up for their business. They became corporates and together with politician they divided the world into two poles and called it cold war era. They called themselves capitalists and communists. In communists countries, they became one and the same -they called their business government run industries or public sector. They got carried away with the profit and their greed made them to ignore people and finally in their excesses they collapsed - the communist corporates- the government. On the other side, at capitalists side, they slowly made the politician depended on them as they and not the government produced profit and they had the much needed money. Politician needed money and using politician's vulnerability, corporate made the choices and decided the kind of support they extended to politician. They demanded their pound of flesh. Slowly like in communist countries, they started becoming one and same but with a difference- in capitalist countries it is not the politician who became businessmen but it is the businessmen who became politician. They slowly started flexing their muscle and subverting every system that are important to the society. They took over media and decided what is news and who has to be news maker, they took over education and decided what is intelligence and who has to be the intellectual, they took over art and culture institutions and establishments and decided what is art and culture and who has to lead them and they took over the sports and entertainment and decided what is joy and who should have/ lead them. Where ever they saw the possibility of social unrest, their bedfellow, religion and its heads became handy for them to be utilised. They used the power of belief to divide and break the unity in the society with faith and tradition. People remained divided and in the division groups become profitable and for the profit they violently protected their exclusivity that is important to their identity and group. Slowly the divided people became dispensable or of no relevance or consequence. Whatever the governments in communist countries had practiced, in capitalist countries the corporates applied the same in their fiefdom that is called democratic countries. They didn't need politician anymore. Corporates are now the government. Business runs the government.
If it sounds like we are talking about our country, don't be confused. Certainly we are talking about our country or for that matter every country around the world.
Unfortunately what these corporates who are doubling up as governments are now forgetting, whenever politician had become businessman or businessmen became politician and started ignoring people, their system had collapsed. The countries had collapse. Former communist countries are its living example. Present day european economic crisis is the example. Middle east mess is the example. US tragedy in making is the example. Most importantly our own country is the living statement.
The end of capitalism and end of this genre of politician is imminent.

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